Originally Posted by jchammond
Yep; this company is the real deal on injectors...also ensure you have no exhaust leaks around cats or anything & wiring to AFR sensors are in stock location.
May be a bit tricky to find, but you’ll get there.
Dealership only knows to hang parts.
You may ask on Forum of a good tuning shop for 370’s near where you live 
Well I deff might have some exhaust leaks now since the minor accident lol.
I plan on getting a new catback system asap... just wanted to get it running as good as stock when i bought it before I start doing any power mods... But at this point I might just go for the mods and uprev and see if that fixes the issue in the process Lmao. Lol prob a dumb idea but im at witt end with possible options for this fix.