Originally Posted by OptionZero
I'm not talking about aerodyanmics, i could care less about then since this isn't a race car
You're going on and on about cooling and whatever but the DYRL's don't affect that at all. If you wanted ONLY performance then delete the DYRL's entirely and save the weight.
its purely aesthetics that bug me
but it's your car. if you're happy then good
Yeah I know deleting the current DRLs can be beneficial but I like it. Interestingly I had prepared a pair of horizontal troughs on the bumper like those integrated in the nismo bumper and may delete the current vertical DRLs once they fail. The stock vertical DRLs are expensive.
The reserved horizontal troughs for the nismo style DRLs can be more clearly seen from the side view shown in the following link
The places of the integrated vertical DRLs can be easily filled up once the nismo-like DRLs take over but I prefer the current DRLs personally.