Originally Posted by AestheticCM1
Not to mention the cheapo oil change places' tendency to lose/strip screws holding the engine undercover and strip drain plugs/oil pan threads. Everything else aside, that alone should dissuade anyone from taking their Z to a monro/meineke/jiffy lube, etc. Further, if you bring your own synthetic and filter to the dealership, they'll do it for you for $15-20.
While I agree on (most) of the chain places suck and notorious for upselling and doing stupid stuff like stripping plugs and such, I have to say that there are GREAT places out there. I wouldn’t take my car anywhere else than my jiffy-lube.
I’ll only let one guy touch my car and he’s compensated with a generous tip. He has an older 300Z and treats Daizy like his own.
Like I said, he lets me get in the pit with him and watch what he’s doing, but we’re pretty much past that now. I’m getting old and lazy and have no desire to wrench anymore.
Expensive? Kinda. But you usually get what you pay for.
$90 for an oil change and a wash isn’t really that expensive for a piece of mind.