Originally Posted by Zetine
The main point of this thread was really to get advice from anyone who had gone from a slowish car to something like the 370z, or from FWD to RWD, and try and get a better understanding of different people's opinion on how the 370z bared as a daily; really what I wanted was a direct comparison between a Celica and a 370z, but figured that was too niche, so came to the forum.
I shouldn't of even put in the first paragraph, but figured since it was my first time posting I'd kinda open up a bit about myself. To explain the insurance, the reason it's a big deterrent for me is the simply fact that it costs so much for something that I may not even use, yet is obligatory. Something about paying 4 grand for some invisible service is just a bit of a joke. (Don't get me wrong though, I'm always going to drive with insurance)
I just think the responses are swaying from the actual questions I asked, just don't think about the financial side of things please, that's for me to worry about.
Also thanks for all the great advice people gave about ride quality, and about how the back can really break loose on these in certain conditions. I'm still planning on getting one, I don't think it'll be impossible to learn to control RWD in a Z, just got to pace myself 
I’m not pretending to be Mario Andretti Jr. (I’m showing my age, look him up!) here, but I’ve driven my share of “exotic” cars and I WILL tell you that with the couple of mods I’ve had done made me respect the car.
Short wheel base, mixed with HP, testosterone, adrenaline and inexperience will bite you in the *** every time. It’s pretty much why insurance companies charge a small mortgage!
First thing I did was engage the traction control. Once comfortable with the limits of grip and oversteer, I went to an out of the way parking lot, disengaged the TC and pretty much wasted a set of perfectly good rear tires.
Not to sound like your dad, but you must give respect to get respect. In the words of a much wiser man than me: “a man needs to know his limitations”
So with all that, I say go for it! Other than my Brothers Brand new Vette, there is NOTHING I’d rather be driving. If you take price into consideration, there IS nothing I could be driving!