Originally Posted by bunk
You guys didnt go through a dry run on the work instructions? We used to have constant meetings with each department going through them before we went through the audit.
Quick answer is no. Longer answer is we've got literally hundreds of Work Instructions, some of which are out of the scope of what I do. My branch of the company is only 41 people, so having the manpower to do a dry run of all potential work instructions the auditor could be going through prior to an audit is... not out of the question, but unlikely. Especially in an area that I don't directly control. Getting our director of manufacturing to do anything like that is difficult.
Edit: I will add that the areas performing to the work instructions are supposed to be reviewing their work against the WI on a regular basis, but we're still working on the discipline of that mindset. Right now it's still a little too much of a "if quality isn't watching, it doesn't matter" thought process.