Originally Posted by iceman21_23
you have an awesome taste in modding your car i wish you the best in your marriage and i'm sure you will be back in a Z in no time!
Thanks for the best wishes!
Originally Posted by SoCal 370Z
Ever thought of eloping?
Congrats on the marriage plans...sorry to hear you have to sell your Z.
If it were up to me, we would have already eloped
Originally Posted by Tyrell Tyson
Sweet Jesus
I would pay $26,500 in 1 second for your car if i lived in America
But i live in Australia and here your car would be $70,000
- Ty
Ouch on the exchange rate, I suppose I would let it go for $70K and ship it to you though...
Originally Posted by Niche79
WOW what a steal, free bump for your killer price! I just started looking at them but wanted to build up my down payment some, id have gone to Cali for this car. Good luck and enjoy the wedding! My womans trying to do the same to me, run!! 
Thanks! Good luck with your search
Originally Posted by vipor
*hugs it out*
I'll have to live vicariously through you lot for a while.
Originally Posted by mick
the things one would sacrifice for love.
i am surprised you could drive the car around in sf without having a front license plate. i heard the cops in sf are very tough about enforcing law concerning front license plate. i heard even the meter maids there could write you a fix it ticket for not having a front license plate.
that's why, i will never drive my car there 
Well I do live in the East Bay, but my office is in SF. I have never been pulled over or ticketed in the city, usually seems the cops have their hands full with actual crimes fortunately. I think you'd be safe as long as you don't draw attention to yourself. I had been planning on getting the license plate bracket from Still than screws into the tow slot.