Can others please take a look inside their fuel filler tube? I've noticed that large pieces of the black coating are coming off, and they are not coming out—they are going down for a swim in the fuel tank. I can also see where the edges of another large piece is ready to start dislodging itself for a bobsled ride on premium fuel.
Can't say I'm pleased about this, and I've pulled a fuel tank or two in the past; not something that's very much fun. These coating pieces are either slowly dissipating in the fuel (which I doubt), clinging to some other element within the fuel tank, or starting to clog the fuel filter. The question is whether over an extended period of time much larger pieces dislodge and take the plunge?
WARNING: Please do not try to take photographs with a flash if you are going to post yours pics too as fuel flumes are present. In fact, unscrew and remove the fuel cap and let the flumes rise out for at least a minute before looking inside the tube with any light. Thanks.