Originally Posted by JLarson
Morning all! Woo, Friday!
I have a small riding mower at home. Went to mow the lawn, and it was running rough, so I ordered up the usual wear item replacements - spark plug, fuel filter, fuel line, air filter, etc - swap those over, it's still running rough. Start checking over everything, and as I'm taking it apart, I see the breather hose is covered with tape (I bought the mower used maybe 2 years ago). Start unwinding the tape, and I see that the hose is basically completely decayed - cracked, broken, etc. What kind of moron tapes a $9 part instead of replacing it?? New one otw, but just surprised me.
That's redneck engineering at it's best.

You would be amazed at the number of less than intelligent people that exist in this world. As a nurse practitioner told one girl, 'Just because you have a driver's license doesn't mean you can have kids'....