Originally Posted by MMC Racing
It would be a curious bit of insider information to know if Vortech would have ultimately done a kit if Stillen wasn't using a Vortech blower on their kit. If I'm a Vortech exec, I'm thinking Stillen takes the R&D hit and we still sell the blowers (at less potential profit). In this economy, I'd take that deal too.
Yes, I'm sure that's what happened. Now that I think about it, they probably never intended to build a kit, one of the engineers had mentioned something to me about Stillen testing thier blower while I was there dropping my car off. My 2 cents is they were probably working together, since it benifits both, and used my car to further the research for Stillen. Who knows, I'll I know is I didn't get anything out of it, other then loss of my car for awhile, work, and 100 mile trip both ways, and not even a thank you email.

Maybe Stillen will kick down a discount for my contribution

Prob not.