Originally Posted by dboss
Its been over 10 days since I paid off my loan and still haven't received my title. I live in an ELT state so I didn't think it would take this long. Since insurance will only pay me once I have the title in hand, I am afraid the car I want will be sold by the time I get the title  I would have paid up to 100 for them to expedite it but they don't even have that option
Its a sport 2017 with 5000 miles for 25,200 out the door
How long did it take you guys to receive your title after your loans were paid off?
i'm pretty sure it took 2-3 months until i got mine because my bank just forgot to send for it.
Originally Posted by madwi
After getting 2-4 hours each day, I ended up sleeping 9 hours yesterday. I swore I just closed my eyes and the alarm went off. 
yea i used to run 4 hours lately i've been shooting for 5-6 hours though.
weekends if i hit 8+ it turns into 12. i just dont want to leave bed.