Originally Posted by Jmatchley86
This is another option that is wayyyyy less on cost and effort. CG Lock is a locking mechanism that holds the lap portion as tight as you want it to be. I'm a huge 250lb guy and it held me really well.
its 60$ is vs quite a bit more on a harness and bar. Also don't go 4 point unless its a scroth asm system.
Agreed on never going 4 point. As for the CG lock, to each their own. What sticks in my mind is that a 3-point seatbelt was a design compromise between safety and convenience/comfort - if it was too cumbersome and restraining people wouldnt wear it, hence the compromise. I like a higher level of safety.
And before anyone gets on my *** ab "if you roll while wearing a harness without a roll cage the roof will snap your neck," I'm 6'4 and if I roll I'm a quadriplegic regardless of what restraint I'm wearing lol
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