Originally Posted by bunk
Im in the same boat. The GF growing up poor (they had to get govt. rations just to survive winters), doesnt like to throw things away, she will donate to Goodwilll though. But I can look around as I sit, and see more than a handful of stuff we dont need..
She really hates to throw away food. She says its habit from growing up. If you didnt eat what little food you had, you starved...
I have to go through the refrigerator regularly to check on old stuff.
My parents went through the depression. My dad grew up on a farm. They didn't throw anything away. Fixed it and reused it. Ate everything off an animal. Nothing went to waste. My mom, had it somewhat easy. Her mom worked on the river boats on the Ohio, and Mississippi rivers. So they had an income. Growing up like that. Mom threw everything away. So, I'm a mixed bag of the two. Keep it, and throw it.

I know what you are going through.