It started last night. The couple renting out the motorhome for the weekend. Called the campground and the office was close. So they spent the night in the motorhome next to the house.
This morning. We went through everything on the operation of the motorhome. They got a hold of the campground office and was on their way.
Started doing yard work. Leaf blowing, weedeating, picking up dead tree branches, cutting grass, started a fire to burn the dead tree branches.
Got a call from the couple around 5:30. They are locked out of the motorhome at the campground.

The campground is about 45 minutes from me. So off I go with the other set of keys. Get there and tried my set of keys. NO worky.

The door has 2 sets of locks. One dead bolt that works. The other works with either a key or a remote. You could hear the remote moving, but nothing was happening. And the key would only turn so far.

Went to the campground office and see if I could borrow a hack saw blade.

They gave me a hack saw.

Went back and started to saw through the door lug on the door frame. Get about 2/3 through the lug and I hear a click. Grabbed the door handle and it opened open.

So I got the couple in, and they are so happy.
I got home around 7. finished cutting grass, restart my fire, and ate. After eating. Was in my lazyboy reading the forum, and went out like a light.
Now I have to replace the door lug, and figure out why the remote lock wasn't working.
The reason the couple is renting the motorhome is that they are both retiring soon and want a motorhome to travel in. And wanted to see what a big Class A was like. They have already tried the smaller Class C's and B's. They really like mine. I told them it's for sell. I could see the wheels turning in their heads when I left the campground. Hopeful, they will buy it.