Originally Posted by Baronsmokes
When I was a teenager we could get $75.00 a pelt for coyotes.Now people do not wear furs.
A few years ago the coyote numbers where starting to pick up.They would stress livestock.
Game and Fish makes this contest.They went around the state and tagged coyotes.Prizes for how many coyotes you harvested.If you got one of the tagged ones they would have different prizes.
Some how this made national news and we got all of these protesters out here.
What those people do not understand is that wildlife has to be managed like any other asset.
PA was offering $25 a pelt not sure if thats still an offer.
we took out 6 last year while hunting for deer. they just run by and if we have the shot just take em out. better than finding out one got a neighbors little dog and thinking yea i probably could have stopped that.