Originally Posted by Baronsmokes
Being an old guy I just assumed everyone can drive a stick.
Until I was on this forum I did not relise what a big deal it is.I must be the only one who looked for an AT car.The car has a level 10 built transmission and shifts fast.
Learned to drive 3 on the tree.Drove over the road for years(15 speed).Have 66 Vette with stick.
Do not want to open this debate again.Now days with the modern transmissions if you want to go fast you get AT.You want to have fun you get a stick.
Originally Posted by JLarson
In all seriousness, my 350 was an AT and it was great. But that won't stop me from trolling occasionally, because some people get so upset about it. Always brings a smile to my face 
Originally Posted by Falconquey
Same here... 3 on the tree of my grandfather's old farm truck. Up and down that dirt road hoping I could shift all 3. Good memories.
I learned to drive on a 4 speed 240Z, the instructions were 'rev it to 3 grand and dump the clutch'
Next car was a Chrysler Windsor with 'Fluiddrive'... it had 3 pedals and you could column shift it (3 on the tree) or you could drive it like an automatic... really strange, but handy when one hand was full....