Ok, so on the Off Topic thread, there were a few posts about ghost stories. Decided to create a new thread for this. Only rule is please dont bring religion into this. Otherwise, lets hear your stories!
Originally Posted by madwi
I gonna preface this by saying I dont believe in ghosts.
I was just taking a ****, home all alone. I hear my dads walker rolling around and the dog goes running that direction. Thinking someone is breaking in, I yelled for them to please wait while I wipe my *** and then I can get to shooting them.  Finished my bizness and went room to room and the dog is laying on his back next to my dads walker with his tail going 100 mph and no one around. wtf! 
Originally Posted by bunk
Heres a creepy story a buddy told me... One afternoon his wife answered the phone. She said she heard alot of static and that it was "Jim" talking on the other end, couldnt really make out what he was saying and he wasnt responding to her questions so she hung up thinking he would call back. The phone didnt ring again. My buddy gets home that evening, she tells him that Jim called.. He passed away that morning...
Originally Posted by Rusty
My first wife's aunt died. A week later. We was in her house cleaning stuff up. All of a sudden. We could smell her perfume go past each of us one at a time. 
Originally Posted by Baronsmokes
I have a ghost story.Never believed in ghosts until the moment this happened.Doing some contract work for Army.In an old hospital building that is all boarded up with no electricity.
This place was first used in the 1800s. I have this big 1,000,000 candle power light I'm using.
I'm walking through basement as I'm coming back all of a sudden there is this overpowering smell of rubbing alcohol.I hear what sounds like two people walking on the stone floor.I holler out that I'm working over here.As I turn to see who it is two soldiers dressed like from the 1800's walk right by me.As i look at them they just fade out to nothing right in front of me.The smell of the rubbing alcohol goes away instantly.I just about **** myself.
When I came out of there some of the Army guys looked at how disheveled I was.
Turns out most will not go in the building and this has happened to others.
Latter I get this plaque from the Army unit for outstanding service.I have it on my desk at work.