Originally Posted by JARblue
Well I guess that means they won't be for sale in the forum then
No but seriously... phenomenal work. Love the innovation. Kudos 
Haha! I checked his last activity and it was two months ago!
Thank you, but this is no innovation, its derived from other platforms! but dont see it offered publicly specifically for z34
Originally Posted by Rusty
The track rat in me is going road race set up hmmmmmm.
The welding engineer in me is going weld prep, filler wire, and a few other things.
The mechanical engineer in me is digesting the spec's.
Stay hungry!
Originally Posted by OptionZero
Super awesome we're getting this addition to the Z34 market
it seems like alot of japanese mfg skipped the Z34. Went from Z33 to GTR and just never bothered to go back
looking at Garage Mak and Rocket Bunny
Tell me about it, but from an engineering stand point, if you compare the specs of the z33 and and the z34 knuckle, the z34 knuckle was improved, not only structurally, but for feedback for the driver.
Ive been bugging Garage Mak to make z34 aero for awhile now. Cant say i'm a fan of rocketbunny for our wide cars already.