Originally Posted by axmea?
Today I plead not guilty and have a plan to fight the alleged VC 27151a. Not saying I am confident but have a plan and will execute my simple approach. Got a sense from the judge that no one has ever attempted to fight it. She was a little perplexed. There were 5 of us who went in for a 27151 and I am the only one who plead not guilty. Everyone else plead guilty and had a referee sign off and paid the fine. I relish being the only one going against the grain. We shall see.
Kudos for standing against this.
My argument would hinge on two things:
1) Challenging the legitimacy of a cop making a "professional assessment". What experience or certificates qualify them to make sound assessments? Also, what tools were used at the stop to verify it?
2) Bringing 2 or more independent acoustic reports signed off by technicians. I'd go to muffler shops and ask them to meter the sound. Muffler shops may not have the meters so providing them with two different meters of your own is best.
The goal is to have the judge decide between agreeing with the cop or with the technicians.