Originally Posted by TreeSemdyZee
I'll insert my 2 cents in on this. I trust the Quickjack far above jack stands. I never use stands other than the Quickjack.
It would be rather difficult to use both IMO.
Well, when I first lifted the Z, on the first set of stops, I let the safety arms go over them, made sure that the release cams were in the up position so that it doesnt cause the bar to go over the stop. As I was lowering the QJ to engage the safety stops, one side popped over the safety stop, it literally popped, scared the crap out of me. Tried again, same thing. So as of now, if I need to use it on the lower setting, I just lower it so that the bars just touch the safety stops.
When its in the high position, its fine. But it still kinda makes me iffy, hence the jackstand backup. I had a friend in HS who was crushed working on his van a few weeks after graduating.