Originally Posted by ImportConvert
What's crazy is that every domestic I've owned, nearly, has had the water pump die at around 80K miles, while none of my JDM cars have ever had one die. My Infiniti did have the radiator die, though. And the transmission. And the motormounts. I'm sure my 370Z would have had stuff die if I'd kept it longer than 34K miles, too, considering the brakes had issues and the power steering pump would get super loud after I drove it hard and the transmission would always grind on the first shift of the day, especially if it was raining out (go figure...). Mainly, my Nissan products felt = to my Chrysler experience, so I have had no impetus to try them again and went with Mazda again, after my CX5 had the fuel pressure regulator go out at 106K miles (literally nothing else broke in the life of the vehicle except that, unless you count things like trim from a huge chunk of concrete that flew up, or the rear diff because I submerged it crossing a stream and didn't change the fluid like I should have---after another 2 months of driving (and no bearing whine!, it was the AWD clutch solenoid that went out! Fluid looked like a frappachino!).
I am hoping my CX5 GT Reserve lives just as storied a life, but got the 10y/150K mile bumper-bumper warranty on it just in case. Because it has a TON of tech in it, plus a turbo.
I had a 2007 Mazdaspeed3 (essentially whats under your hood) and I had the turbo replaced due to a flaw in the first year design. Other than that, which was replaced under warranty without hassle for my mods (Mazda dealers are night and day from Nissan), that car was a total tank for 10 years of hard (hard.) daily driving.
Honestly if it wasn't for the Z existing, I wouldn't even look at Nissan. They have the worst dealership experiences and the build quality just isn't up to what Honda, Mazda, or Toyota are doing. It's like the Z is from a completely different company, and in a way, it kind of is.