Originally Posted by madwi
Sadly, i have never been a $10m customer.  my buddy did put his skytrac through the front window of herman miller while changing the light bulbs in the lobby. 
I sent a guy in a pick up truck once about 30 miles to pick up some blueprints from a printing company. He calls me after about 45 mins. I said “did you get there?”. He says “yeah, but you will probably have to come and get me.” I said “why do say that?”. He tells me that as he was turning into their driveway, he hit an oncoming car and our company truck got tossed through their showroom window. I asked if he was okay? He said he was, but he was unsure if anyone else got killed...
I got there in about 15 minutes
No fatalities, other then my boss about killed both him and I when we got back to work 3 hours later with no truck and a really large ticket