Originally Posted by Hotrodz
Okay if we are going to tell camping stories that need to be done with your favorite adult beverage and around a camp fire or at ZDAYZ. I have forgotten more than I can remember as I to was boy scout, a member of the high school back packing club and spent a career in the wilds as a Game Warden. Yep some stupid stuff happened on many of those outing including many exploding cans of whatever the flavor of day was or firecrackers and bottle rockets. Then we had a thing we did called Game Warden Games win everyone was good and liquored up. Oh yeah....good time. 
Got caught playing baseball with frogs at one scout camp.

Lets just say that didn't go over well.

Found a nice stick that was like a bat at the frog pond. So.............being kids......pick up a frog and throw it to the kid with the stick. We spatter a few frogs with the stick until someone squealed on us.