Originally Posted by FPenvy
read amazon reviews. some catch on fire lol
For whatever reason, this made me think of another Amazon inspired purchase my buddy made, which was designed to catch fire, but also difficult to extinguish.
We were making a trek into the White Mountains (New Hampshire) with about 6 other people, and Tim, who is an avid researcher, picked up a camping stove designed to work in even the most adverse of conditions. It requires priming using some kind of alcohol, and will burn even at very high altitudes.
Unfortunately, during the priming, Tim ended up dousing the entire stove, and when it caught fire the whole external casing went with it. Realizing he'd now immolated a pressurized fuel-filled cylinder (read: small grenade) he panicked, and started trying to extinguish it. The description from Amazon was accurate - once burning, that tiny inferno raged without ceasing. He even buried it, and it set the pine needles in the dirt on fire.
On the plus side it didn't explode.
4.5 Stars!