Originally Posted by Rusty
When I retired. I got on Obombo Care. That was $1,800 per month for both of us. Wifey turned 65 and got on medicare. I stayed on Obombo Care for a couple of months after. And it was over $900 just for me. Then I got on a christian health based health care. It's $500 per month. If I would have stayed on Obombo Care. It would have been $1,100 per month this year. 
I have seen you mentioning this insurance before. What is the name of it, or a website I can check out? I’m thinking about dragging up within a month, and though I can stay on my present employers’s insurance through the Cobra rules for 18 months, it is awful insurance and it will be more then $500 anyhow
My wife has her own insurance, but I will need something for me....
Let me know here or PM me the info.