Just saw this thread and also that the TSB was released yesterday. I just had mine replaced under warranty two weeks ago. Funny thing was that I could not replicate the issue at the dealership. So I had to video tape the stuck hatch while the car was at home and take the video tape to the dealer to prove it was an issue.
One note: It did seem to get worse in COLD weather, dunno if this was mentioned on the previous 33 pages of posts.
Is the poll is mislabeled? What I mean is that my stuck hatch started out as a SOMETIME issue and as time went on it became an ALL THE TIME issue. So I will have to say it was sometimes but in the end ALL the time....hum ...which one to choose...going with SOMETIME as that is how it started out.
Oh well it's fixed and very minor compared to my old 06 Z33. Now the bro's Z34 hatch is also sticking. One Z34 down, one to go.
Wow I can't believe 33 pages on a sticking hatch. I wonder how many pages can be generated on the passenger door handle popping?…anyone?….anyone?
Update: Current Poll Stats is:
YES (Sometime) = 167
NO (Never) = 96
Last edited by ZForce; 01-31-2010 at 04:06 PM.