Originally Posted by Spoiler
I know it's still a couple of months off, but Sharon is so excited... the other day she got into the closet and was trying on some of her old wedding dresses to see what she was going to wear. Well, I guess the years have been good to her, because she couldn't find any of them that hadn't already been let out a few times...
Ma and Pa decided they would spring for her to get another dress for this event.
They are all going to get into the truck right after lunch and head on down to the Goodwill store and see what's in stock today... Something fashionable, but not too alluring... of course....  (maybe one of them trendy Camoflage prints..)
The whole darned family is just so proud to have a new guy in the family... and a Yankee... 
I'm still wondering just how ole Big Sharon got "IN" the closet...
Jeez, just how big are your closets????