SpeedHut gauges, opinion on Font...
Doing the center gauge cluster replacement, like STRI but no one handles them anymore in Standard or Imperial measures. Looked at Defi and AEM, Madwi mentioned Speedhut in another post, think I am going to give them a try. Undecided on font...
This one comes close to matching the center cluster font, will also have a red ring around the ticks as they call them that will hopefully give a slight glow like ours does when lights are on.
Here is other.
2011 Mag Black Sport with Nismo conversion - both interior and exterior. SPL suspension, Fortune Coilovers, ARK grip catback, Berks HFC, Takeda intake, some interior mods.
Last edited by OldFart; 02-21-2019 at 05:07 PM.