Last weekend I installed some new baffled catch cans to replace the crappy non-baffled ones I have. I also replaced my fender liners again (thanks Z1 for the good prices). While doing so, I found the source of the burning oil smell... it was the old catch cans. The drain plug must have been leaking a little bit, so I cleaned that up. I also put the track set of wheels on so i can hopefully sell the street set.
This weekend, I'll take the front end off to start some much needed work (but not finish because Anthem is out this weekend)
- take the splitter off and use it as a template for something more durable
- clean the air filters for the intakes
- replace my cooler core with a new one as I see some seepage towards the bottom of the core (away from the AN fittings)
- possibly install a PS cooler
- ship my headlights over to Houston Halos to get new projectors installed with some extra work while the lights are open
- service the cooling system