Originally Posted by ResIpsa
Last month I installed solid motor and transmission mounts so I removed my cats and exhaust to give me a little more room to work. While I was there, I thought I might as well do the headers because everything is pretty much off.
Keep in mind I have swaped the motor in my civic and swaped the transmission in my Ford excursion.
I got as far as removing the header heat shields when I realized this just was not worth it. The lack of working space and maniacally sharp heat shields made my hands look like I was a UFC fighter. And to make matters worse, I couldn’t just run with the heat shield removed because they were wedged between the fender and headers. I was forced to reattach them. I lost track of the hours I spent and how much blood I lost.
The driver side heat shield is a ROYAL PITA.

The left side took me 45 minutes to do. The right side 6 hrs. Yeah, my hands looked like and felt like they was in a fight with one very pissed off puty cat.