Originally Posted by Lvcky69
Quick question, I have recently purchased new akebono calipers, rotors and pads for my 17 base model, do I have to purchase these non premium brake lines or can I use the base stock brake lines and just use the banjo short bolts w/ the crush washers? I will be doing the work myself, is this a good vacuum pump brake to execute the job correctly? I also will be using brake fluids 3,4 or 5.1. Thanks I'd appreciate it
A couple of thoughts: 1) you will have to trim or replace the backing plates so the rotors will clear. 2) I would use this opportunity to replace the rubber lines with braided stainless and new bolts/crush washers. Never take short cuts when dealing with brakes.
Use a power bleeder, not that hand pump bleeder. It doesn't work that well.