If you feel strongly that she was negligent (I didn't watch your video, so no opinion from me), contact her directly via mail only. State in the letter (keep a copy) that you have suffered a loss because of her driving; that insurance won't cover it because it's under your deductible; and your ins. co. has notified you she is uninsured. Do not threaten to report that to the police, or threaten her in any other way. Tell her you are willing to settle for an amount less than your total damages, payable in cash in return for a simple release of claim that you can probably write up. Tell her exactly how much you want in order to settle, give her a reasonable deadline to respond, and state that after the deadline you plan to file suit for for your damages plus costs. See what happens. Make your decision later as to whether you want to go to conciliation/small claims court. It's easy to do, doesn't cost you much $ or a lot of time. Collecting will take longer than obtaining the judgment.