Originally Posted by Rusty
Hopefully when you hit 62. Things have changed for the better. But the way our gov't is. It will still be fvcked up. Obombocare wanted $900 a month for just me.  Had no other choices under their plan.  Last March, I got on a christian based health insurance for half price. If things are still mucked up when you retire. It would be worthwhile to look it to something like that.
I retired at 57, then at 59 went back to work, mainly so I could get on their insurance and then ride Cobra for 18 months. However I decided recently my new Company has shid insurance....
Have to get a routine procedure next week and the Docs office told me to bring my $4800 with me as a partial prepayment... Holy crap, I’ve had this done 8 other times and it was always about $200 for copay when I had BCBS...
Planning to retire again in 8 weeks or so and then moving to FL this year....
I may have to get a different job for awhile to hook up to someone elses insurance for awhile...