Hello everyone! I am not lazy and you might think i haven't searched the forum to get answers before this post but I did and I am getting VERY confused

Can somebody help me finding the right products? I even called stealerships and the people working there are ridiculous

They don't even know the answers and keep asking me stupid questions while fighting each others saying no no no manual, no no automatic smfh... so I hung up. So my question is :
1. What is the exact fluid do I need for my 6MT transmission? I prefer OEM and I believe it is 75W-85. Can somebody please confirm?
2. What is the exact fluid do i need for my rear differetial (not LSD, I have a base model)? This part kills me. Everybody saying I should use 75W-90 (either redline or eneos for GL-5) but when I called a dealer, they said 80W-90

Once more, I do not have LSD. I have a base model. Is it different fluid to be used for non-LSD and LSD? or same fluid?
I prefer OEM spec. Can somebody help me please? It will be very appreciated. Thank you guys!! You guys are the best!!