Originally Posted by Ghostvette
I have an idea about why diabetes and heart disease have increased, Americans eat like they live on a farm, but don't do farm level work. I travel a little bit (not near as much as onzedge) but what I've observed is that the average American is carting around 50 -75 pounds (or more) than what is healthy. We have gotten out of the habit of fixing our own meals from scratch because we work 10-12 hours a day to keep up with the Jones'. Health care is a service derived from someone's labor. You don't have a right to the fruits of my labor... 
I remember my mom telling me in the early 70s that you Black never really suffered from heart disease, cancer or diabetes and such because we work in the fields and eat food grown in our gardens and so forth. She said now we are starting to see the same kind of health problems as White people because more Blacks live in the City and have White people jobs!
That goodness for welfare and other entitlement programs that keep the working poor and others down. Marginalization is no longer a racist affair!
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