Originally Posted by Ghostvette
I have an idea about why diabetes and heart disease have increased, Americans eat like they live on a farm, but don't do farm level work. I travel a little bit (not near as much as onzedge) but what I've observed is that the average American is carting around 50 -75 pounds (or more) than what is healthy. We have gotten out of the habit of fixing our own meals from scratch because we work 10-12 hours a day to keep up with the Jones'. Health care is a service derived from someone's labor. You don't have a right to the fruits of my labor... 
This is on-point. One of my wife's uncles constantly rants about healthcare costs. He's overweight, has diabetes, and has had 3 heart surgeries. It's tempting to tell him to shut up, people like him are the reason the costs are high.