Originally Posted by NecioVato
How does it compare to the Z? Wondering if I could get a non biased opinion about the R vs the Z. Right now, I have made up the mind to keep my current ride and just pay it off. Then save up some funds to go ahead and get a R if not something else. if the R winds up checking most if not all the boxes - then trade in the Z. My main fear is trading in my Z and then having complete buyers remorse afterwards and not being able to get my original car back (at least that is what the family tells me will happen haha).
My opinion is not gonna help you a whole lot without you test driving the car. It is a great commuter car with good handling and performance. But it's hella muted. But these days people like mutemobiles. I don't. I like visceral cars. And the golf R is NOT visceral. You're better off in a wrx if you want a sports car feel. The EVO was the best in visceral feel though it was built kinda cheaply.