Originally Posted by Rusty
No........just left over from Christmas. Stuff that didn't sell. It's all a tax write off. They won't even sell it to the employees at a discount. 
Originally Posted by JARblue
Maybe next year it could accidentally miss the compactor and fall into a big sack that gets donated to worthy causes.
Originally Posted by Rusty
TOOOOO many cameras. 
My dad picks up scrap from several shops as part of his 'keeping busy'.
One of those places is the DeWalt shop. Half of the stuff that gets 'tossed' still works, it just has some scrape or dent that makes it ugly.. or the company the person works for is pretty lax about letting them swap stuff out. I got a shop radio that runs on AC or rechargeable batteries, a 2 way laser level (vertical & horizontal), and a couple of other items that still work pretty good.... all for zip....