Originally Posted by Rusty
I'm going to rivet the flange to the shield. The shield is steel and the flange is aluminum. The hose I got is 10ft long. I'm hoping that's enough to do both sides. That hose is $$
Thanks for the feedback Rusty. I noted the same thing about the hose pricing. I found a 10 ft section of Allstar Performance hose (3" diameter, 550 degree limit) for $117 on Jegs.com I also found a 12 ft section of "high temperature silicine air duct hose" (3" diameter, 450 degree continuous, 500 degree max) for $117 on pegasusautoracing.com. I'm not sure that the 50 degree difference is meaningful, especially after the ducts are in place and the added cooling is realized.
I am curious as to whether you find that the single 10' piece of hose is long enough for both sides.