Originally Posted by solidus
Sasha in the video I linked , at some point he referenced something I believe you have also said. Basically in the case of boost creep it generally shows up when people use too light of a wastegate spring. A fluctuation in boost in my opinion is not a "spike". Using the graph feature on the Greddy Profec, if I have a boost setting of 12.5 and it bumps momentarily into 12.8-13psi I can live with. A spike is what happened when I went from 9psi to 23psi.With the graph feature it's more observable as literally a bump or a spike.
Yeah, I didn't watch the video, but have been around the block a couple of times

I think a variance of up to 1psi is acceptable, and that is why a base map for any and all kits should not be used under WOT. Each kit (TT/ST/SC...etc.) requires custom tuning, not only for maximum performance, but more importantly engine longevity.