Originally Posted by jwick
It’s not Disney. It Netflix and I understand, even though it sucks. Why would you continue to push content that advertises other new shows on your competitors streaming service. Especially one that doesn’t bring additional subscribers to your service. Based on Netflix viewing habits, none of the Marvel Netflix shows were linked to bring in new subscribers. So if it’s not increasing your bottom line and it’s helping push the new shows being produced by your competitor, why dump all the money into creating it?
no i agree it was business on both sides the real question is what will disney do with all the great marvel netflix shows once their service is 100% up and running?
i really hope they keep the punisher going. i really love the series.
worst case i'll just sit back and wait for the new season of the 100 to air this spring. and if you've never watched the 100 you're missing out lol season 5 was this past spring/summer. it's on the CW but the first 4 maybe even all 5 seasons are on netflix.