Originally Posted by Spooler
The correct way to corner balance is with the drivers weight in the drivers seat. That is how my car was done. 180lbs in the drivers seat. The sway bars are connected while checking the weights, If the weight changes the lengths are not correct. It is time consuming and tedious to get them good to go.
When I corner-weight I disconnect the bars.
Corner weighting is done on a car lift and we use scale setup tables so we are sure that the tops of the scales are all in the same horizontal plane (I have clear plastic tube we fill with water to make sure of the levels and measure to within one mm).
Get the cross-weights, side/side and front/rear right and then re-connect the bars with car on its wheels - I use adjustable links with rod ends to make sure there is no "stiction"
Corner-weight session can take a minimum 2 hours and full alignment and corner weights can take ~ 4 hours.
At ride-height on levle ground there ought not to be any pre-load on the bars "if" you want to turn left and right equally.