Originally Posted by nis350
don't turn this into a very expensive experiment... 
Haha doubtful! I don't have the balls in the car like I did riding my sportbike. Like riding a sportbike just turned me into a maniac. I can't even explain it. I would take the most stupid risks on that thing that put myself and anyone else unfortunate enough to be on the road near me in danger. Riding it put me in some sort of surreal mental state or something. Like it didn't feel real and consequences weren't a thing.
In the car I'm much more grounded in reality and therefore I don't do anything stupid or risky. I want to take my car to a track day maybe this summer. I need that in my life. Luckily I enjoyed my bike for about 4 years until I sold it this past spring. I was very lucky to have had it, enjoyed and never lay it down or die and then sell it. Owning a sportbike was something I'll never forget and I'm thankful to have gotten to experience it, but I can totally understand why people die on them all the time doing stupid ****.