Originally Posted by madwi
Awww hell, man. Was hoping it was just a hose that popped. The good news is more power! 
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
man, im so sorry to hear about your engine...
Originally Posted by redondoaveb
What ended up being the problem?
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
bob, your finished product will be bigger and better than ever.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I was hoping it was not something big but at the same time it has been five years on a stock motor. From the damage, the most plausible answer is a rod let go. There are two distinct wholes on either side of the lower part of the motor just above the oil pan. It was a great motor and she ran strong and it ran strong right up until it didn't. So much fun and many memories. I smile when I think of EW ride down the highway on our way to Cars and Coffee Las Vegas and Joby holding on and smiling as we gave Hell Bender a run. So now on two Tora 2.0!!!