Originally Posted by SG4247
Well...I use it for stuck rotor removal. Remove the bolt, remove the spacer and then install bolt and use the bolt to advance stuck rotor off the rusty hub.
Prevents the hammer action on the rotor.
Good thinking.
Never use a hammer or a torch, if you find your rotor is frozen & won't come off there is a simple solution. Get yourself (2) Grade 8 1/2"x3" bolts, (4) matching nuts. (4) washers. Fit bolts through caliper bolt holes then place a washer or 2 on the back side then double nut it. Tighten bolt while backing up the nut. Outside nut pushes rotor, inside nut will cause bolt w/nut to push on rotor. You will hear it pop. Rotate rotor 180 & repeat. Rotor will come off easily.