I personally do not do this, I simply roll the car back a little bit every other week to avoid such an issue.
Excellent information. I do pretty much as per your list except number 3.(touchless car wash & up tire pressures)Once it's parked, it's parked. Battery tender plugged in & car cover on.I'll start it at the end of March when I'm ready to roll it out. I never start it until then .After I wash it, I blow dry the nooks, crannies, door jambs, hatch back hinge area, wheels, lug nuts etc with my leaf blower to remove water & dry it out. I usually do this any time it gets washed.Saves strain on an old back injury.Also, if it's to be parked right after the wash, I drive back & forth in the driveway a few times to clean the brake rotors off. Didn't do this one year on another car & almost had to drag it out of the garage with a truck. Rust between the calipers & disc.(you've got a couple of #3 & #5s)