A. Download the service manual for the car it's linked on this site somewhere in a sticky.
B. Read the SRS section with regards to wiring in the cabin area. Note where the wires and sensors are located.
C. Start taking apart panels and parts to find any discoloration or other signs of corrosion with the wiring and Clean/Replace any parts that you find damaged.
D. Check back after. This should be cheaper then 4k which they are just charging to replace everything since they don't know actually what's causing it.
GTR TT 493Whp/431lbft, Ecutek, Southbend 6puck,Quaife, RPM RollBar 4Point, R888R, JRZ RSPro F(10R/10C) R(10R/6C) 1000f500r inlbs+150inlbs Tender, SPL everywhere. Full Specs