Originally Posted by ChrisSlicks
Strange, mine revs up as I push the stick left through the neutral zone (watch out for Romulans). For example if I'm cruising in 6th and I move straight up the revs hold where they are, then if I move it to center neutral it will rev some more (anticipating a shift to 3rd or 4th), and if I go all the way left it will rev way up anticipating a shift to 1st or 2nd. Then when I actually start moving from neutral to a gear it will lock onto the actual RPM it needs for that gear ratio which may cause it to rev up a little higher still in the case of 1, 3, 5. In neutral it only does this for about 2 seconds before it gives up on you.
I've seen other people documenting this behavior, including a video so I know I'm not crazy.
Mine does the exact same thing

I think modshack's is broken. you know what they say if everyone else's is different it just maybe yours thats broken!