Originally Posted by Rusty
 That's good that you are keeping yourself clean.
I was actually talking to the ex while I was in rehab, dumb yes, but we had broken up because she had gotten into meth pretty bad and the last I saw her in person she looked like a skeleton. I went by her house about a month after I got out into the real world again and her mom told me she had died. That was a hella bummer. She had been doing better, whatever better means. I was actually talking with her the night before it happened. I still have not gotten a concrete answer on how it happened, although I'm 90% sure it was an OD. . .
Edit: I didn't mean that to sound so fickle, like I'd broken up with her because of her looks. I broke up with her because she was on the meth, and I just didn't want to be around that. She was lying and hiding things from me more than she ever had before.