Originally Posted by Jinxx
I did check that ... looked like it had clearance ... the short that was causing the dash to die I found ... it was the power steering metal line hitting the frame each time it would ark ... I stopped that from happening but now I’m wondering how my frame has a current in it ... seems like if a power wire was hitting somewhere it would be random ... but with the car off I touched the frame and the power steering line and it arked ... so it seems it has a steady current in it from the battery..... but it isn’t blowing fuses or burning wires .... and if there was a loose ground , wouldn’t it just stop working ... I know I’m missing something in my head
a loose or poor ground would backfeed & potentially cause this. Disconnect ground from battery & ensure all of you + connections are good....then before re-connecting - to battery,,,inspect other end & where it goes. Should be grounded good to engine & chassis....does not hurt to add additional ground leads.