or just . . .
buy a Porsche?
because this is alot of pipedreaming about **** you don't understand
this is probably a waste of time
I really, REALLY doubt you're doing the kind of driving (i.e. on a TRACK) where this sort of aerodynamic **** is gonna make a lick of difference
and before even getting that far, there are MANY, MANY things that affect the car WAY more than a fuckin' vent in the back stolen from a totally different (race engineered) car.
#1 would be the driver - you - who appears clueless. So improving that would be a big help
#2 and everything is . . . the engine, the suspension, brakes, tires, hell, safety tech, if you're even doing that sorta thing
but back to everyone's point
it sounds like you should STOP ASKING THESE STUPID ******* QUESTIONS and read and learn about how cars work
maybe go to a track day and ride with an instructor , other experienced drivers. rent a spec miata.